Thursday, June 28, 2007

career - what do i want?

Last Thursday, I was being called for an interview for the position of the Executive Assistant to a wealth management firm. I hesitated to attend as i thought I was happy in my current company and I find no reasons to leave. However, its a financial firm. An industry that I have always wanted to work in - Banking & Finance. Thus, for curiosity sake and to know about what the firm have to offer, I went.

I must stay that i din went prepared for the interview at all. I din even wear power suit which I always do. I wore a sleeveless purple turtle top and a black skirt which is defintely not appropriate for a PA or EA position or for a job interview. The interviewers are the Financial Controller and the Managing Director who is also a Brit and he's the boss that im gona serve.

Anyway, what im gona say next is this thought-provoking question that the FC asked, "Lynn, will you like to share your passion and area of interest in pursuit of your career?" BLOODY SHIT! I literally stammered with embarrassment lor! I have answered similar question before and have always been clear-headed of what i want. So, what happened?! Is it a matter of unprepared for the interview? Or, there's a change of direction unknowingly? *faint* And what surprised me was, I was called for the final round of interview, despite the impression of uncertainty of career route i've given them. Now that i recalled my performance during the interview, I believed i gave the boss a good impression as we are able to hit it off well with small chats, likes, the recent bid that Mr Rupert Murdoch wana buy over Dow Jones shares from the Bancrofts, how he feels about SPH, SGX and FTSE developing new indices for Singapore bourse, the football club that he roots for, why caucasian enjoy drinking and the work expectation and culture from a caucasian boss. The conversation was definitely an engaging one as the FC stopped us somewhere with other questions. hehe. In fact, before i left the room, the boss asked me, "Lynn, will you work for me if i would to employ you now?" Hmm, i believe this question is not as simple as it is...anyway, who's cares what's the real agenda behind!

Today was the date for the final interview. And...I DIDN'T go for it. Yes, i rejected this opportunity - the stepping stone towards the finance industry! Hmm, I could have go with the flow and listen to what they have to share or offer before any decision made. Afterall, its a sure thing that there will be a pay rise. And the next boss is much younger and better looking than my current boss! haha. ;p So, what's the reason?

1. Given both companies are MNCs, my current one is a plc.

2. Being a PA cum Manager in SIN office, my current job scope holds more empowerment and roles and responsibility than the new one. The new one would probably be a desk bound job, assisting the next boss, making sure his daily work activity are accomplished. The work scope might not be as broad as my current one.

3. If i would to stay on being a PA for the rest of my career span, the accumulating experience in this current company would be more appealing, given the bao ka liao jobscope. Furthermore, its a MNC.

4. If i would to be a sales person next, which im learning to explore the interest now, I could have gain the experience here.

5. If i really want to work in a bank, in which i have to start somewhere as a junior - be it sitting at the counter selling products to customers and/or attending roadshows having my weekend burnt and/or doing backend admin work in a dept, etc, I should have wait for the opportunity.

6. The current company allows me to travel and meet people which i have always enjoyed doing. And i reckoned, the new jobscope would be rather similar to being a legal secretary worked previously. Nah, NO WAY!! Its doesnt suit my chirpy, chatty and outgoing personality and/or character. I knew myself.

So....having listed the reasons, it ought to shows that my heart tells me that i should stay put. Afterall, i have mentioned so many times that I have a good Boss, a good working environment, wide learning exposure and even have an office room of my own (envy right?! room of my own leh! ;p) Although i have not exactly sorted out my career interest and passion, there's no good reason to leave this company now.

A wise decision would be to stay on for another year or two for the experience, while waiting for the desired opportunity to knock on my door.....;p

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